Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Louise Hill

Serendipity and Vitrail Serenade shown at the Tokyo exhibit in the first two photos, the Hakone exhibit and Osaka exhibit. Serendipity and Vitrail Serenade placed as finalists in the Bead and Button Bead Dreams contest 2006.


The Lone Beader® said...

How can I find more info on this exhibit, and will there be one next year??

Louise Hill said...

Lone Beader,

It was a one time invitation only exhibit.

SuzyQ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SuzyQ said...

These pieces are so absolutely stunning and the way they are displayed is just gorgeous. What an honor to be invited to this show!! Congratulations!!!

(The last comment left off the congrats part)

Albina73 said...

Quote: The Lone Beader said... How can I find more info on this exhibit, and will there be one next year??

More information about this exhibit you will be able to find in the second issue of the Art Bead Circle Magazine.

Frany said...

waouhhhhh !!!! It's extraordinary !!! I would very much to display my modest jewellery there !!!!! Felicitations Louise !!!!!

Unknown said...

simply stunning! your work is unbelievable!!!!!! i'm completly in awe... wow!

Bori said...

Congratulations! Your beadworks are wonderful!

Millipede Bead said...

What an honor for you to be included in such an exhibit! Way to go!

Louise Hill said...

Thank you everyone. I was thrilled to be in this show.

Diana said...

You're famous! What a fabulous presentation of your work in Tokyo. Congratulations!

Exquisite work, stunning.

Unknown said...

hi Louise...
stunning ....
out visiting and found you and your wonderful blog..
mona & the girls